APSACC is Australia’s premier corruption prevention forum
The National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) is hosting the Australian Public Sector Anti-Corruption Conference (APSACC) in Canberra in September 2026.
APSACC 2026 will be the 10th conference in the series, marking a significant milestone for this biennial event. The theme for APSACC 2026 is: A strategic approach to integrity – culture, systems and accountability.
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What is APSACC?
APSACC is Australia’s leading anti-corruption event, attracting industry leaders and experts from across the state and territory, federal, public and private sectors, as well as around the world.
It offers an opportunity for anti-corruption agencies, academics and practitioners to share their knowledge, experience and expertise.
The focus is on preventing, exposing and responding to corruption in the public sector, including all levels of government, elected bodies, the judiciary, police and statutory bodies.
APSACC history
The inaugural APSACC was held in October 2007 in Sydney, hosted by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (NSW ICAC), Corruption and Crime Commission (WA CCC) and Crime and Misconduct Commission (Qld CMC).
The second conference took place in July 2009 in Brisbane, hosted by the NSW ICAC, WA CCC and Qld CMC.
In November 2011, the third APSACC was held in Fremantle, hosted by the NSW ICAC, WA CCC and Qld CMC.
The fourth conference returned to Sydney in November 2013, hosted by the NSW ICAC, WA CCC and Qld CMC.
November 2015 saw the fifth conference held in Brisbane, hosted by NSW ICAC, the renamed Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (Qld CCC) and WA CCC.
The sixth APSACC was held in Sydney in November 2017, hosted by NSW ICAC and Qld CCC.
In October 2019, the seventh conference took place in Melbourne, hosted by Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC).
Following a year’s postponement due to the pandemic, the eighth APSACC was held in November 2022 in Sydney, hosted by Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI), NSW ICAC, and the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC).
The ninth conference was held in Darwin in July 2024 and was hosted by Northern Territory’s Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (NT ICAC). You can view the program for APSACC 2024 on the About page.
The tenth APSACC conference will be held in September 2026 in Canberra, hosted by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).